Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A letter I sent to Stuart Varney, Neil Cavuto, and John Stossel of Fox Business News.

Gentlemen: I have written to each of you recently about the importance of small business as the solution to our unemployment crisis. I call it a crisis simply because it is a crisis. It goes beyond the number of people unemployed, underemployed, or discouraged. It goes to the fabric of what America is and the potential loss of Main Street. In those categories just mentioned, there are approximately 30 million people impacted by the loss of our economic activity. While this is creating incredible pain in every community in America, there is reason for hope, due to the fact that we are finally seeing how important "the job" is to this country. When we talk about creating jobs, we need to look to the job creator: Small Business. The Senate Small Business Committee stated that 80% of the job losses in this recession came from small business. They also stated that over 80% of all net, new jobs come from small business. Data will vary, but approximately 90 million jobs are in small business. Of the 28 million small businesses in America, approximately 6 million have employees. These 6 million small businesses are the job creators for this country and they are suffering from lack of capital, contracts, and all of the benefits available to big business. Our focus needs to be directed to those small businesses that will create a real job. I find it incredible that we worry about "risky" small business loans, while spending billions of dollars on things that lead to nowhere. $100 billion in capital infused into small business banks as a part of their capital base would generate $1 trillion in small business loans. With a shared guaranty program from the government and the small business, the cost to the taxpayer would be almost nothing. These loans could be sold to the secondary markets without the banks being at risk for anything. Simply pay them for processing the loans. Fortunately, legislation is being considered at this very moment that almost does this. More needs to be done. As important as anything else, freedom is at stake. John has been addressing this for some time now, and I also am a follower of Dr. Milton Friedman. By placing the focus on small business with capital, contracts, etc., at the same level as big business, there is a natural gravitation from the center to Main Street. When the economic power moves to Main Street, you have this process of decentralizing the economy. When that happens, you experience the benefits of both economic and individual freedom. When you don't have that, you will surely lose both. That is what Dr. Friedman was talking about. The "Possibilities Model" for small business has never been devoloped, along with a credible model for the value of a job. I am working on both of these concepts, but people need to understand that we are very close to losing something that may be very difficult to get back. Losing the entrepreneural spirit that is small business cannot be taken for granted. One can only sacrifice so much before they give up, when just a little support would make a big difference. This spirit brings innovation and a higher standard of living and America has always been the leader. If we kill small business and Main Street, we will surely not be the innovation leader much longer. I watch all the Fox Business shows, along with Bloomberg and CNBC. I do spend more time with your shows because they have something to offer every morning and night. There is a common theme will all of these shows that I believe should change. I don't know your demographics with your viewers, but I personally have a disconnect every day when the bulk of the discussion has to do with big business stock prices. Maybe everyone you are actually trying to reach is involved with day trading, etc., but I am not. To me, there is a big disconnect with stock prices, analysts expectations, things impacting Wall Street, and what is important to me and the majority of Americans on Main Street. There is also a disconnect on many days with the stock market and the real economy. Most of us live in the real economy. I suggest that you spend more time on Main Street issues and the economy that impacts all Americans. I spent thousands of hours as an adjunct faculty member trying to have my students relate what is happening around them to the economic discussions they hear on television or on the internet. If you addressed more small business and Main Street issues each day, you might pick up some of those 90 million people involved in small business that you don't already have. This is a huge opportunity to bring your message to an audience that feels very much abandoned at the moment. These are the people that will be creating the jobs. These are the people that will save the economic and individual freedom we cherish. These are the people that will create the Main Street Miracle. By the way, I am still available as a Fox small business contributor. And John, I would love to help on the small business story.

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