Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A letter I sent to Senators and Richard Carbo

Dear Senators and Richard Carbo:

I have written many times to your Committee with my ideas about helping small business gain access to capital, contracts, R&D, etc., and also to thank the Committee for its efforts in trying to help small business with its role of creating jobs. I am not a politician, but I should be able to understand legislation that might impact my ability to survive and grow. I am having trouble with both and I am confused. I don't understand how my fellow Republicans in the House and the Senate are fighting the small business lending program. There must be something that I don't understand, but then again, legislation shouldn't shouldn't be that confusing.

During the past several years, I have learned a great deal about how little most people in Washington understand about small business. Even NFIB has trouble with this and it is reflected in that they have less than 2% of small business as part of their membership. I know the top NFIB people in California and they have very little experience in small business. These are very nice people, but they don't get it. There is this disconnect between talking about small business and understanding small business.

Whether the pending legislation isn't bipartisan enough or some ideology is impacting something affecting politicians, I don't really care. I need a loan and the banks aren't lending. If it wasn't for the efforts of Chairman Ben Bernanke and your Committee, I don't think there would be much hope. My company would be adding 10-15 new employees within 36 months if we could get a loan. We have paid off 3 previous SBA loans during our almost 50 year history. Our products prevent infections in hospitals, which saves money and lives. However, we are considered too "risky" in the eyes of the banks, unless there is some incentive for them to lend. I don't care what the bankers say, many small businesses want to borrow and they aren't necessarily waiting for demand to pick up. It is incredible how little people understand about small business and the dynamic role they play in our economy.

What is at stake is Main Street America and individual freedom. I don't question the patriotism of the Senators debating H.R. 5297, I just question their understanding of small business. Small business is not a "buzz term" you use during each election cycle to gain Main Street votes. It IS America. If given a "level playing field", small business would build a new economic model that brings power back to Main Street and delivers the individual freedom we cherish in America.

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